Publications of Zachary Huang

  1. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.W. Otis. 1989. Factors determining hypopharyngeal gland activity of worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Insectes Sociaux 36: 264-276 [pdf]
  2. Huang, Z.-Y., G.W. Otis & P.E.A. Teal. 1989. Nature of brood signal activating the protein synthesis of hypopharyngeal gland in honey bees, Apis mellifera (Apidae: Hymenoptera). Apidologie 20: 455-464 [pdf]
  3. Huang, Z.-Y. 1990. A simple in vivo bioassay for estimating the hypopharyngeal gland activity in honeybees (Apis mellifera L, Apidae, Hymenoptera). Journal of Apicultural Research 29: 75-81 [pdf]
  4. Huang, Z.-Y. & C.O. Knowles. 1990. Properties of a quinuclidinyl benzilate binding component in the bulb mite. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology C 95: 71-77 [pdf]
  5. Huang, Z.-Y. & C.O. Knowles. 1990. Nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in honey bee (Apis mellifera) brain. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology C 97: 275-281. [pdf]
  6. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.W. Otis. 1991. Non-random visitation of brood cells by worker honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 4: 177-184 [pdf]
  7. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.W. Otis. 1991. Inspection and feeding of larvae by worker honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae): Effect of starvation and food quantity. Journal of Insect Behavior 4: 305-317 [pdf]
  8. Huang, Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson, S.S. Tobe, K.J. Yagi, C. Strambi, A. Strambi & B. Stay. 1991. Hormonal regulation of behavioral development in the honey bee is based on changes in the rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis. Journal of Insect Physiology 37: 733-741 [pdf]
  9. Robinson, G.E., C. Strambi, A. Strambi & Z.-Y. Huang. 1992. Reproduction in worker honey bees is associated with low juvenile hormone titres and rates of biosynthesis. General & Comparative Endocrinology 87: 471-480 [pdf]
  10. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.E. Robinson. 1992. Honey bee colony integration: Worker-worker interactions mediate plasticity in endocrine and behavioral development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 89: 11726-11729 (cited in the text book "Animal Behavior" by J. Alcock) [pdf]
  11. Goodman, W.G., Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson, C. Strambi & A. Strambi. 1993. A comparison of two juvenile hormone radioimmunoassays. Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology 23: 147-152 [pdf]
  12. Huang, Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson & D.W. Borst. 1994. Physiological correlates of division of labor among similarly aged honey bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 174: 731-739 [pdf]
  13. Robinson, G.E., R.E. Page & Z.-Y. Huang. 1994. Temporal polyethism in social insects is a developmental process. Animal Behavior 48: 467-469 [pdf]
  14. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.E. Robinson. 1995. Seasonal changes in juvenile hormone in worker honey bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 165: 18-28 [pdf]
  15. Bloch, G., D. W. Borst, Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson & A. Hefetz. 1996. Effects of social conditions on juvenile hormone-mediated reproductive development in Bombus terrestris workers. Physiological Entomology 21: 257-267
  16. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.E. Robinson. 1996. Regulation of honey bee division of labor by colony age demography. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 39: 147-158 [pdf]
  17. Cnaani, J., D.W. Borst, Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson & A. Hefetz. 1997. Caste determination in Bombus terrestris: differences in larval development and rates of JH biosynthesis. Journal of Insect Physiology 43: 373-381 [pdf]
  18. Trumbo, S.T., Z.-Y. Huang & G.E. Robinson. 1997. Division of labor between undertaker specialists and other middle age workers in honey bee colonies. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 41: 151-163 [pdf]
  19. Robinson, G.E. & Z.-Y. Huang. 1998. Colony integration in honey bees: genetic, endocrine, and social control of division of labor. Apidologie 29: 159-170 (Invited review)

  20. Schulz, D.J., Z.-Y. Huang & G.E. Robinson. 1998. Effect of colony food shortage on the behavioral development of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 42: 295-303 [pdf]
  21. Pankiw, T., Z.-Y. Huang, M.L. Winston & G.E. Robinson. 1998. Queen mandibular gland pheromone influences worker honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) juvenile hormone titers and foraging ontogeny. Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 685-692 [pdf]
  22. Huang, Z.-Y., E. Plettner & G.E. Robinson. 1998. Effect of social environment and mandibular gland removal on division of labor in worker honey bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 183: 143-152 [pdf]
  23. Giray, T., Z.-Y. Huang & G.E. Robinson. 1999. Endocrine basis of genetic differences for behavioral development in honey bees. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 47: 17-28 [pdf]
  24. Bloch, G., D.W. Borst, Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson & A. Hefetz. 2000. Haemolymph JH titer, biosynthesis rates, ovarian development and the social environment in Bombus terrestris. Journal of Insect Physiology 46: 46-57 [pdf]
  25. Jassim, O., Z.Y. Huang & G.E. Robinson. 2000. Juvenile hormone profiles of worker honey bees during normal and accelerated behavioral development. Journal of Insect Physiology 46: 243-249 [pdf]
  26. Huang, Z. Y. 1999. Regulation of division of labor in worker honey bees: the activator-inhibitor model. In (Eds: L.J. Connor & R. Hoopingarner) Apiculture in the 21st Century. Wicwas Press, pp 25-37
  27. Huang, Z.-Y. & G.E. Robinson. 1999. Social control of division of labor in honey bee colonies. In (Eds: C. Detrain, J.L. Denoubourg & J.M. Pasteels) Information Processing in Social Insects. Birhauser, pp. 165-186
  28. Wang, R., D. Ke, P.J. Elzen, J. Pettis & Z.Y. Huang. 2000. Altered sodium channel as a possible resistance mechanism of Varroa jacobsoni to fluvalinate. Proceedings of the American Bee Research Conference, American Bee Journal 140: 747. Abstract
  29. Schmidt-Bailey, J., D. Westervelt & Z.Y. Huang. 2000. The Spartan Beetle Buster: testing of a new method for surveying the small hive beetle. Proceedings of the American Bee Research Conference, American Bee Journal 140: 907. Abstract
  30. Pearce, A.N., Z.Y. Huang & M.D. Breed. 2001. Juvenile hormone and aggression in honey bees. Journal of Insect Physiology 47: 1243-1247 [pdf]

  31. Beshers, S.N., Z.Y. Huang, Y. Oono & G.E. Robinson. 2001. Social inhibition and the regulation of temporal polyethism in honey bees. Journal of Theoretical Biology 213: 461-479 [pdf]
  32. Huang, Z.Y., H.O. Kuang, B.Y. Kuang & Y. Qin. 2001. Juvenile hormone and division of labor in Apis cerana. Proceedings of 7th International Bee Research Association Conference and Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Thailand, 2000. Journal of Apicultural Research 40 (supplement): 3-6 54. [pdf]
  33. Zhou, T., J. Yao, S.X. Huang & Z.Y. Huang. 2001. Larger cell size reduces varroa mite reproduction. Proceedings of the American Bee Research Conference, American Bee Journal 141: 895-896
  34. Huang, Z.Y. & H. Lin. 2001. The small hive beetle: a new pest of honey bees in the United States. Newsletter of the Michigan Entomological Society 46: 5, 8
  35. Huang, Z.Y. 2001. MiteZapper - a new and effective method for varroa mite control. American Bee Journal. 141: 730-732 [pdf]

  36. Schulz, D.S., M.J. Vermiglio, Z.Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson. 2002. Effects of colony food shortage on social interactions in honey bee colonies. Insectes Sociaux 49: 50-55 29. [pdf]
  37. Wang, R., Z. Liu, K. Dong, P.J. Elzen, J. Pettis, Z.Y. Huang. 2002. Association of novel mutations in a sodium channel gene with fluvalinate resistance in the varroa mite, Varroa destructor. Journal of Apicultural Research 40: 17-25 30. [pdf]
  38. Huang, Z.Y., Fewell, J.H. 2002. Modeling insect societies: from genes to colony behavior. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 403-404 [pdf]
  39. Wang, R., K. Dong, Z.Y. Huang, P.J. Elzen & J. Pettis. 2002. Resistance Mechanism of Varroa jacobsoni to Fluvalinate: Altered Sodium Channel? In (eds: E.H. Erickson, R.E. Page Jr, and A.A. Hanna) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites. pp 173-176
  40. Wang, R., Z.Y. Huang & K. Dong. 2003. Molecular characterization of an arachnid sodium channel gene from the varroa mite (Varroa destructor). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 33: 733-739. [pdf]
  41. Hanley, A.V., Z.Y. Huang & W. Pett. 2003. Does transgenic Bt corn pollen affect larval development of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) and greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.)? J. Apic Research 42: 77-81. [pdf]
  42. Lin, H., C. Dusset & Z.Y. Huang. 2004. Short-term changes in juvenile hormone titres in honey bee workers due to stress. Apidologie 35: 319-328. [pdf]
  43. Zhou, T., D.L. Anderson, Z.Y. Huang, S. Huang, J. Yao, T. Ken, Q. Zhang. 2004. Identification of Varroa mites infesting Apis cerana and Apis mellifera in China. Apidologie 35: 645-654 [pdf]
  44. Smith, L., Z.Y. Huang. 2004. Another job for busy bees: Honey bees are the perfect choice for vectoring biocontrol agents. Bee Culture 132: 46-49 [pdf]
  45. Huang, Z.Y., A.V. Hanley, W. Pett, J.J. Duan. 2004. Field and semi-field evaluation of impacts of transgenic canola pollen on survival and development of worker honey bees. Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 1517-1523 [pdf]
  46. Leoncini, I., Y. Le Conte, G. Costagliola, E. Plettner, A.L. Toth, M. Wang, Z.Y. Huang, J-M. Becard, D. Crauser, K.N. Slessor, G.E. Robinson*. 2004. Regulation of behavioral maturation by a primer pheromone produced by adult worker honey bees. PNAS 101:17561-17564 [pdf]
  47. Schneider, S.S., L. A. Lewis, Z. Y. Huang. 2004. The vibration signal and juvenile hormone titers in worker honey bees, Apis mellifera. Ethology 110: 977-985 [pdf]
  48. Tan, J., Z. Liu, R. Wang, Z.Y. Hua ng, A.C. Chen, M. Gurevitz, K. Dong. 2005. Identification of amino acid residues in the insect sodium channel critical for pyrethroid binding. Molecular Pharmac ology 67: 513-522 [pdf].
  49. Zeng, Z., Z.Y. Huang, Y. Qin, H. Pang. 2005. Hemolymph juvenile hormone titers in worker honey bees under normal and pre-swarming conditions. J. Econ. Entomol. 98: 274-278 [pdf].
  50. Huang, Z.Y., J. Zhao, L. Zhou, Y. Qin. 2006. Electronic monitoring of feeding behavior of Varroa mites on honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 45(3): 157-158 [pdf].
  51. Cho, S., Z.Y. Huang, D.R. Green, D.R. Smith, and J. Zhang. 2006. Evolution of the complementary sex-determination gene of honey bees: balancing selection and trans-species polymorphisms. Genome Research 16: 1366-1375 [pdf].
  52. Liu, Z., J. Tan, Z.Y. Huang, K. Dong. 2006. Effect of a fluvalinate-resistance-associated sodium channel mutation from varroa mites on cockroach sodium channel sensitivity to fluvalinate, a pyrethroid insecticide. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 36: 885-889 [pdf].

  53. Chow, S.-Y, Z. Y. Huang , S.-C. Chen, R.-L. Yang, R. Kou. 2007. Antenna contact and agonism in the male lobster cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Hormones and Behavior 52: 252-260 [pdf].

  54. Wharton, K, F.C. Dyer, Z. Y. Huang, T. Getty. 2007. The honeybee queen influences the regulation of colony drone production. Behavioral Ecology 18: 1092-1099 [pdf].
  55. Huang, Z.Y. 2007. Beekeeping in various parts of the world: China. ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture. I.A. Root. pp 92-93.
  56. Huang, Z.Y. 2007. The honey bee genome: the untold stories. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology. In Chinese.

  57. Cho, S., Z. Y. Huang and J. Zhang. 2007. Sex-specific splicing of the honey bee doublesex gene reveals 300 million years of evolution at the bottom of the insect sex-determination pathway. Genetics 177:1733-41 [pdf]

  58. Duan, J.J. M. Marvier, J. Huesing, G. Diverly, Z.Y. Huang. 2008. A meta-analysis of effects of Bt crops on honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Plos One. [web]

  59. Kou, R., H.-W. Chang, Z.Y. Huang, R.-L. Yang. 2008. Pheromone, juvenile hormone, and social status in the male lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea.  Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 68: 144-155 [pdf]

  60. Kou, R., S.-Y. Chou, Z.Y. Huang, R.-L. Yang. 2008. Juvenile hormone levels are increased in winners of cockroach fights. Hormones and Behavior 54: 521-527 [pdf ]

  61. Huang, Z.Y. 2008. Book review on "Form and Function in the Honey Bee" by Goodman. American Entomologist 55: Winter.

  62. Wegener, J., Z.Y. Huang, M.W. Lorenz, K. Bienefeld. 2009. Regulation of hypopharyngeal gland activity and oogenesis in honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers. Journal of Insect Physiology 55:716-725 [